We’re Heading Out to the K

“Take me out to the ballgame, take me out to the park. Buy me some peanuts and Cracker Jacks. I don’t care if I ever get back.” Sung at the top of our lungs with broad smiles on our faces, the sounds of Take Me Out to the Ballgame during the seventh inning stretch have a way of reminding us of the best things in life. For those of us in Kansas City, singing the song in Kauffman Stadium includes a growing sense of unity and community. After last year’s run at the World Series, attendance is on the rise and evidence of hometown pride in the Kansas City Royals can be seen throughout the metro.
One reasoning for the expanse of pride is our own memories. For some, that may be the memory of tossing around a baseball dreaming of Major League play or just enjoying the moment through the simple catch and release of the ball. Thankfully, as a result of the winning team in our metro backyard, we all have the chance to experience the Forever October memories for another season. Plus, there’s nothing like a trip to the baseball stadium, particularly in mid-summer, to conjure up feelings of Americana and Fourth of July rolled into one.
Being Part of a Team
Although many of us will never play for a Major League team or even warm the bench, the Royals provide an undeniable sense of being part of a larger team. Evidence of this is everywhere from last year’s American League championship win to the recent All-Star game voting.
The energy is contagious even for the SeniorCare residents who will be donning their Royals blue for a summer trip to the K. The upcoming event is a real-time extension of our SeniorCare game watch nights at the Memory Homes. In addition to what will surely be a fun and action-packed game, in-person attendance also allows each resident to be a part of a larger social network while gaining the cognitive benefits of watching a game. Another way to be part of a team is through participation in one of the nationwide Walks to End Alzheimer’s.
How Live Action Enhances Cognition
- Throws, shifts, slides and twists are subconsciously etched in the mind
- Stimulation happens in portions of the brain responsible for control and plannin
- Enhancement of mood occurs as a result of surrounding cheering and excitement
- Boosted brain activity results from watching the players
Repeated studies show participation in networks where individuals share similar values can help delay cognitive impairment. The social exchanges occurring as a result of watching the action and cheering with the crowd stimulate the formation of brain synapses.
Breaking Down the Thought Process
- Signals form thoughts, and memories move through individual nerve cells as an electric charge.
- The synapses, which are a collection of nerve cells, release neurotransmitter chemicals.
- Neurotransmitters carry signals to other cells.
SeniorCare Homes in Overland Park and Leawood, Kansas, offer the most comfortable and stable assisted living environment to seniors with dementia, memory loss, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Phone (913) 236-0036 to learn more about neighborhood living for the memory impaired.