Dear Seniorcare Homes staff –

A year ago, when my mother, Dolores Berry, joined the residents at the Hanover House, I felt good about the decision to transition her out of institutional assisted living care and into residential memory care. Although my drive to see her would be considerably longer, I knew that the quality of each of her days would be better.

My first tour of the Hanover House was very positive, from the staff interaction with the residents, to the cleanliness of the home and residents, to the safety measures taken, to the sunshine coming in through the windows, to the nicely kept grounds, to the cute holiday decorations. A month later, thanks to a caring and well-organized staff, Mom made a smooth transition into her new surroundings. Her comments to me were always positive from the start and I believe she was happy in her new home.

As hallucinatory difficulties increased, she was not always happy or calm, but staff stayed steady with their assistance to her and pulled her through each episode. I always appreciated being kept informed of behaviors and concerns. At times, I felt like a parent getting a call from the school principal telling me my young child had acted up! Nevertheless, as my long drives limited me to one or two weekly trips to the house, I always felt like I knew how she was on a near daily basis.

I felt good about the decision for her to enter to community in December of 2016. However, her care during her final month of life there has me convinced that I had her in the right place. I am thankful for the dignity, compassion, and respect shown to her in spite of memory difficulties over the past year. I am appreciative of the way seniorcare homes staff and hospice staff worked smoothly together during her final month. I also appreciated staff flexibility to let me stay with her during her final week of life. I am grateful for the quality of life she experienced during her final year with Alzheimer’s.

My special thanks to Jerry, Judy, Emily, Sharon, Shandala, Doris, Faith, Beatrice and any others who were involved in her care. You have a wonderful concept in place with residential memory care. Your small resident to staff ratio allows you to go way beyond treating conditions and managing situations. Rather, it allows you to help real people who need to feel valued and loved.   I hope the seniorcare homes concept of memory care will become the standard of care for the future for all our elderly loved ones dealing with Alzheimer’s/dementia.

My best to each of you,

Michelle Goodson

After two years of horrific experiences with ‘corporate models’ of nursing home care, I came to SeniorCare Homes as a case study in unmet expectations, clinical and business ineptitude, and most serious of all, a sad story of indifference and neglect in memory care for my beloved wife. I was exasperated, jaded, and frankly worried if I would ever find superior quality care for her. The responsibility weighed heavily on my mind and heart. From my first conversation with Jerry, it was clear to me that he approached his business from an entirely different perspective; one of quality, focus on the needs of the individual patient, and compassionate, personal care. Moreover, the people who work for Jerry are faithful representations of his business mission. They are all approachable, accessible, and accountable, and they care about the people whose welfare is entrusted to them. I am grateful that SeniorCare Homes under Jerry’s leadership understands the importance of taking care of the smallest details; the result of this model of care is peace of mind for me and my family.

– Dick Masinton (Alzheimer’s Author of the book Fade to Gray)

Hi Lisa, Personally, caregiving for me is not just work, I immensely enjoy the company of the elderly from their story telling to their absolute openness about everything, they let you know how they truly feel which I find important in an industry where growth and room for improvement is essential and you cannot get that when information is sugar coated.Unlike large facilities where monotony/structure plays a huge role in running the establishment(s), senior care has created a homely atmosphere where caring for the elderly does not feel like ‘work’ plus residents gets undivided attention. I have and continue to enjoy working at seniorcare. Sincerely, Elaine.*:) happy

Mother adjusted quickly to her beautiful new home, while we were able to relax knowing that she was getting the best possible care and attention 24 hours a day. No more worrying about Mother’s safety and health care?just enjoyable visits with her in her lovely home! In my opinion, the combination of living in a house on an ordinary residential street and having excellent staff to provide care, makes Senior Care Homes an optimal environment for people with dementia. Our family feels incredibly blessed to have found such a place for Mother!

—Resident Family Member

My husband and I set out looking for a new care facility for my mother-in-law. She had been in a “skilled nursing unit” for several years. She had passed her 92nd birthday and we were not happy with either the care or atmosphere in her facility. We visited several places in town that were recommended as the “Best”. When we entered the SeniorCare home and met with the staff, we became so excited sensing immediately that this was a place with a homelike atmosphere plus excellent care. Perhaps some people need to experience the larger facility to know that this is how people should be treated when they can no longer care for themselves, a sunny room to watch the morning, a garden and deck to literally smell the roses, meals cooked fresh and taken in a normal kitchen setting, and a caring staff who remain consistent.

—Resident Family Member

I was just thinking about how much time the ladies at the Sagamore House get to spend outside because of the wonderful deck you added to the house. It is truly wonderful that they have the opportunity to be outside in fresh air every day if the weather permits. Because I’ve been in nursing homes and seen all the residents wheeled to a central nurses station where they sit all day listening to the noise that exists there and never seeing sunlight or feeling the fresh air, I appreciate even more the opportunity these ladies have. My mother loves being outside. You have to drag her in! When she lived in her own home, she had a screened porch where she sat every afternoon and evening. And the one comment she made while still living there was that she would hate to be in a place where she could not get outside. So I’m very grateful to you for what you’ve given her and the other ladies. Even if they take it for granted that the deck is there, I don’t! Thank you thinking of this!

—Resident Family Member

The key to this environment is that our Mom lives in a 5 bedroom ranch house. Not a multi-unit, sterile, hospital setting. A HOME. The five residents eat together in the dining room and spend most of the day together in the living room (playing games, activities, and watching TV together). The caregivers are second to none. I refer to them as angels here on earth….incredibly passionate in their care of my Mom and her roommates! There are other homes with 8-10 residents, and in these homes, there are two full-time caregivers at each residence.

I have not seen any other level of care that compares to this. Several of my Mom’s roommate’s families only found SeniorCare homes after challenging experiences at other facilities. Most do not even know this exists!!! I know in Western PA, from where we moved our parents, the ONLY level of care was a “nursing-home/Assisted Living.” In KC we are fortunate to have many options from Independent living to assisted living, to skilled nursing. We are blessed there is another level of care available in a “group-home” setting such as SeniorCare Homes.

— Mark Vlasic SeniorCare Family Member

I’ve worked in numerous settings and what I like most about SeniorCare Homes is that it allows me to do the very things I imagined doing when becoming a nurse. Being able to provide compassion and attention without being rushed is something that can’t be found in larger settings. The staff at SeniorCare Homes really gets to know all the little idiosyncrasies of the residents, and that is key to providing exceptional care.

—SeniorCare Homes RN

No one comes close to SeniorCare for providing a feeling of home. Add to it the clean, bright, warm, patient and happy atmosphere. It can’t be beat. Reallly, you all are a treasure.

—Nancy, Hanover House family member

Thank you, Vikkie, for forwarding the calendar. I am amazed at all the activities that are planned. It can’t be easy to come up with so many month after month. I do hope the Nantucket residents appreciate all that you and the staff do?the residents’ families certainly do. I live in Portland, Oregon, so unfortunately I can’t visit the house as I wish I could. Please know how grateful we all are for all the work you and the staff do, and care that you give.

—Nantucket House Family Member

Mother thrived in her new home immediately. We found the smaller, more cozy setting with such individualized attention to be most calming and comfortable for her. She was in a real house on a residential street where she enjoyed sitting in the front window and watching the neighborhood happenings. We visited daily and loved seeing her smiling face and a wave of her hand as we approached the front door.

—Resident Family Member

It is said that a thankful heart is not only the greatest virtue, but also the parent of all virtues. Our experiences with you have made us much better nurses. Thank you.

—Students and Instructor,
University of Kansas, School of Nursing

There are no wheel chairs grouped tightly together, but a quiet atmosphere where individual needs can be taken care of. Visiting becomes a pleasure too. We were so excited and managed to move her into this wonderful home in a week. Each day we wake up thankful that she is in such a great place for these last years. Our children and grandchildren visit and say, “Oh, we love the new place! It is just right for Grandma.”

—Resident Family Member

Home…what a great way to create a comfortable feeling for a person with dementia by living in a real home setting. Wonderful solution… I commend everyone at SeniorCare Homes for all the “Moments of Joy” you are creating every day. Keep up the passionate work!

—Jolene Brackey,
Nationally Acclaimed Alzheimers Author and Speaker

Google Reviews

Dana Rutscher Avatar
Dana Rutscher
How fortunate am I that Jerry Pullins was my neighbor in 2007 when he founded SeniorCare Homes! I had the wonderful opportunity to get to know Jerry and to observe the love, dedication and commitment he had for his family, his neighborhood and his company. When my 93-year-old mother was in need of care in 2023, Jerry was the first person I called. Mom has now been a resident at SeniorCare Homes' Nantucket House for almost two years, and my family and I could not be happier with the love and care that Mom gets. From the moment she moved in, Jerry's staff was there to help set up her room in a way that would make Mom feel at home and comfortable. Mom spends most of the day in the open living area with the other residents either eating and visiting at the large family-style table or relaxing in the comfortable living room watching television. Plenty of activities are offered from bingo, crafts and musical performances and convenient professional services are available in the luxury of their home including dental hygienist, hair stylist and podiatrist. The house is always kept very clean and tidy and decorated nicely and festively for all holidays and special occasions. Chiefs and Royals game-watching parties are complete with "tailgating" snacks and decorations. During the summer, the staff often treat the residents to a cook-out lunch on the screened-in porch overlooking the beautifully landscaped yard. Rachel, the Director of Nursing, and Bonnie, the House Charge Nurse, go above and beyond to make sure each resident gets the care and attention to detail that will allow them to thrive. The Nantucket staff is amazing. They are attentive, compassionate, loving, hard-working, caring, dedicated and cheerful, and they make the family of each resident feel welcomed (along with our pets), and there is a warm and loving bond felt by all of us as we walk through the Nantucket door to visit with our loved one as well as the other residents. I am fortunate to live close by and get to visit my mom almost daily. Every time I drop in, she is freshly groomed, has a smile on her face and has the support and companionship of the staff. Those occasional times when I am traveling or am ill and can't visit Mom, I have no worries at all, as I know Mom is getting the best possible care. Thank you to Jerry and all of his staff for bringing peace and joy to Mom, me and our family and to the lives of many others!
Mimi Burch Avatar
Mimi Burch
Senior Care Homes is a wonderful place that feels like home with a calm and warm atmosphere. The caring and thoughtful staff members are always willing to do whatever they can to help the residents, get to know them, and meet their needs. They celebrate birthdays and holidays and always have fun activities planned. They definitely go the extra mile for every family.
Patti Friedman Avatar
Patti Friedman
My mom has been at the Ted Hearsey House going on three months. What a special and wonderful place, and that’s in no small part to Rachel’s personal attentiveness and her guidance and oversight of her wonderful staff. They try their best every day to meet my mom’s needs, whatever they might be. Day or night. 24/7. Would you like your mom to live somewhere that you feel she is cared for and cared about? Would you like your mom to live somewhere where everyone is helpful and attentive? Here you will find a supportive community for your mom and for yourself.