Make Winter a Time for Rest and Rejuvenation

You wouldn’t know it by the current weather, but we are mere weeks away from the beginning of the winter season. December 21 marks the beginning of the Winter Solstice, the shortest day of the year. Between now and that date, the daylight will continue to grow shorter a couple of minutes each day. After the 21st, the opposite will happen with minutes of daylight added on each day until June 21 when the Summer Solstice takes place.
Mimic the Seasonal Changes
For many of us, the month of December is particularly busy with numerous family gatherings, cooking and baking for parties, and trying to find the perfect gift for that special someone. In great contrast to that busyness is the season itself. If you take a moment to observe the wildlife, you’ll see that the animals have almost finished their preparations of gathering nuts or building the nest for the winter months of January, February and March.
Despite the fact that humans and animals have much different needs in terms of food, rest and shelter, it can still be valuable to take a cue from our animal friends and slow down our activity levels during the season. This allows both the body and mind time to relax after a busy Christmas season taking part in one seasonal activity after another. If you don’t believe us, just take a look out the window.
Making Note of Winter’s Cues
All around us are cues of the slowing winter cycle. From the barren trees to the shorter days of daylight the signs of the season are present. Although it may be tempting to press on with the daily activities no matter what time of year it is, it can be beneficial to find ways to incorporate some of the slowness of the season in your life. This can be done through a number of ways including how we choose to eat (warm and nourishing foods), how long we sleep each night, and the amount and kind of physical activity we engage in.
At SeniorCare Homes, we like to use this time of year to promote restful activities for the residents at each Memory Home such as having a chef come in to cook with the residents, playing games and watching old movies wrapped in a cozy blanket or throw. During the mornings, residents take a coffee break in front of the picture window. This offers an opportunity to not only enjoy some of the early morning sun, which can help keep seasonal depression at bay, but it also offers an opportunity to observe the playfulness of the neighborhood wildlife or the beauty of the winter weather.
The foods served are also designed to be nourishing and filling, adding in seasonal favorites that are only available in the cold weather months. There are also spontaneous baking parties where the residents get to enjoy a warm treat straight from the oven or a hearty soup or chili meal. We hope that this winter season that you’ll join us in taking a relaxing approach to the post-holiday season by honoring the natural cycles of rest and rejuvenation.
SeniorCare Homes in Overland Park and Leawood, Kansas, offer the most comfortable and stable assisted living environment to seniors with dementia, memory loss, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Phone (913) 236-0036 to learn more about neighborhood living for the memory impaired.