Inner Strength Provided Through Faith

A diagnosis of Alzheimer’s disease turns the world upside down, not only for the person receiving the diagnosis, but also for all of those who love and cherish the person. While the question of why still hangs largely over the disease, there is a growing army of people who are shoring up a diagnosis with a hefty application of ongoing faith. While the faith bank can be depleted much like a traditional bank account, the options for spontaneous deposits are numerous and are often found in a number of unexpected and interesting places.
An Unknown Journey
Despite the boundless nature of faith, it’s fair to say that the journey of an Alzheimer’s diagnosis can test the deepest faith, but ironically more often than not it is this same faith that supports many who are touched by the disease. Each person’s faith is intensely personal and is built over decades of experience. The Bible’s Hebrews 11:1 may best sum up the combination of personal magic and mystery by defining faith as “confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.”
Perhaps it’s this element of the invisible that encourages us to continue to delve into the mysteries of the brain in a search to ask where the memories go, determine why some memories remain while others do not, and take full advantage of the happy awakenings that occur though liberal applications of movement, conversation, music and art.
Incorporating Faith into Daily Living at SeniorCare Homes
At SeniorCare Homes, we believe that persistence in faith can be a helpful guide throughout the Alzheimer’s journey. This includes providing a number of faith-based opportunities for both our staff and caregivers.
Daily devotionals – This is a time set aside each day to share a spiritual reading with the SeniorCare residents and caregiving staff.
Bible study – Casual worship services held in the Memory Home setting on a weekly basis by volunteers from the Silver Link Ministry at the Church of the Resurrection. Each service includes scriptural study, conversation and support from a trained Silver Link volunteer.
Hospice chaplains – Chaplains offer medical, emotional and spiritual guidance and support for families and those at the end of a life stage.
Catholic Communion and Support – partnerships with individuals from various Johnson County parishes who visit regularly for communion and prayer.
Additional Faith-based Alzheimer’s Resources
Alzheimer’s Association Faith-based Communities – information and educational materials to assist community members in taking action and providing help and education about Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s Project – demonstrating the important role of faith-based organizations in fighting Alzheimer’s disease.
Alzheimer’s Care Coalition – providing resources, education and support to families dealing with the diagnosis of dementia or Alzheimer’s in a loved one.
The path of faith is at once personal and unifying allowing us to grow and support each other through each step of faith. “Faith is what makes life bearable, with all its tragedies and ambiguities and sudden, startling joys,” – Madeleine L’Engle, American author
SeniorCare Homes in Overland Park and Leawood, Kansas, offer the most comfortable and stable assisted living environment to seniors with dementia, memory loss, Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s diseases. Phone (913) 236-0036 to learn more about neighborhood living for the memory impaired.