Helpful Activities for Seniors With Dementia


Are you caring for a senior who has been diagnosed with Dementia? Some everyday activities can cause a strain on them as well as you and your family. While some activities have become too difficult for your loved one, certain types of activities have been proven to improve the quality of their life. This is why it’s important to create a list of regular activities that are “failure-free”, to reduce their anxiety or agitation.

At Seniorcare Homes, we’ve written down some of the best types of activities seniors with Dementia can participate in. Please note that every senior is different, so it might take some time to understand which activities are best for your situation. We encourage you to find safe and engaging activities that work for you!

Favorite Activities

Maybe it’s time to re-establish old activities your loved one used to participate in frequently. For example, if they kept a garden at home, you can spend a day outside planting flowers. If their favorite activities are a little too complicated, you can find a working alternative. So instead of gardening, you can simply take a walk through nature and identify their favorite plants together. What’s important is the experience of the activity, not necessarily completing a task.

Emotional Activities

You can create an emotional connection to a loved one with Dementia. This means listening or dancing to their favorite songs, looking through old photo albums, reading their favorite books out loud, or telling stories together. It’s common for seniors with Dementia to have some memories of events from years ago, so this might be a great exercise for recalling earlier times. Re-living positive experiences can be both meaningful and satisfying.

Sensory Activities  

Sensory activities include a person’s ability to see, touch, smell, hear, and taste. So a senior with Dementia can participate in the following:

  • A relaxing massage of the hands, feet, or neck
  • Smelling fresh flowers or fragrances
  • Listening to the radio, an audiobook, or a podcast
  • Visiting a museum to see galleries with art, paintings, or sculptures
  • A food tasting, such as charcuterie plates with bread, cheese, and meat

These types of sensory activities can be stimulating to a person who has Dementia, and can play a role in managing distressed behavior. Test out different activities to see which ones they like best. If they have a hard time managing certain activities, it’s best to keep it simple.


Regular exercise carries many benefits, including improved mood, better sleep, and maintaining important motor skills. For example, walking, senior aerobics programs, and stationary bicycles are all low-impact ways to get started. Please be sure to discuss new exercise programs with your doctor or health care provider beforehand.

About Seniorcare Homes

Seniorcare Homes understands the value of activities to reduce stress and improve a person’s quality of life. To achieve the most success, we work with individuals to understand which activities best fit their health and lifestyle. To learn more about Seniorcare Homes and the services we provide for seniors with Dementia in Kansas City, contact us today.